
Library is a library to download and exchange CAD and BIM resources for Architecture, Design, Engineering and Construction. It's the largest in the Spanish-speaking world, and one of the most important of the professional universe in English.

It offers 139.227 files organized in a Database, conceived as a support system to Architects, Engineers, Builders, Teachers, University Students and Designers

The purpose of the Library is to facilitate and enrich the experience of Design and Construction by providing a set of tools that make it more solid, safe, simple and efficient. It offers examples of practical solutions as parameters to each particular problem of Professional Design

The Library is set up as a collection of works and blocks available to be downloaded, modified and used by construction professionals in their day-to-day work. Either as a source of consultation, evaluation or analysis, regarding a personal project in its early stages, or as a detail or partial solution to adapt or integrate to a project in its completion stages

It means the elements provided by this Library are useful to studying and investigation as well as to the concretion of Projects and Construction Proposals of all kinds and categories

Thus, the plans offered here are constituted by examples of all places and regions of the world, which works as a vast and detailed reference of international construction

In terms of temporality, the Library adds updated files regularly and constantly. Therefore, you can find the latest examples and developments of global construction as well as works from previous times and ages, some of them with a historical value

The files offered in the Library are blocks, plans, projects, construction details, technical specifications and all the usual variety of works that enable projects' development in the Design and Construction stages, presented in different file formats, such as DWG, DXF, BIM -RVT and RFA-, MAX, 3DS, SKP, XLS, PDF, etc

Because of all its wide functionalities and the way the Library and other specific content areas (Interviews, Tutorials and Blog) are set up on this site we like to say that is, essentially, and by definition, "Intelligence and Technology for Design". According to this premise it was conceived

Because, in fact, this is what we offer and deliver to our users: "Intelligence and Technology for Design". The final result of the clever thought of a Professional Community ordered and offered as a Device to promote its efficient and productive use through Technology

In other words, Information, Knowledge and Practice configured as an Intelligent Engine for the Creative Experience of Design.

What's in the library?

The vast material that integrates the Library is the result of the contribution of Bibliocad -a contribution that gave rise to it and has been updated historically, constantly and permanently over two decades - and is also a consequence of the collaboration of users

As a logical consequence of this collaboration, you can use freely 50.524 files of all types, categories and origins, available for use by anyone wishing to join the community. In addition, it invites users to access all of the paid files (a total of 88.703) through the simple contribution of works that are product of their genuine authorship and have design or information value, or a conceptual relevance that deserves and justifies their integration into the Library and their presence at collection.

The division of the Library's collection into free files and paid files - both through the collaboration of users with their own works and the payment for downloads - allows the maintenance of the functional structure of the website and the quantitative and qualitative development of the material it offers

The material selection is carried out by a team of Reviewer Architects, who analyze the received works according to parameters of quality, information, degree of detail, material exceptionality, status (whether it is fully or partially completed), professional relevance, conceptual richness, etc. Consequently, the works' acceptance or refusal is determined by their compliance with these parameters, and/or if they reach an average score in cases where works do not meet expectations on one of the parameters

This constant and intensive intervention has the objective of guaranteeing the Library's standards, which implies our aspiration to continuously improve it, seeking higher quality

As a further consequence of the collaboration of users who make your material available to the Library, enables a concrete and effective professional presence through the material they choose to submit. This presence on the site - open to all professionals in the world - will be proportional, in size and impact, to the quality of submitted works

If we think about the evolution of this engagement over time, we can say that - as a consequence of a process of constant construction and development of its Library - also offers the possibility of a future transcendence that represents each professional and each studio from a portfolio with works of value and quality

Files Types

Files on this Library are organized into two broad categories: Free and Premium. Premium works are different from the Free ones for their higher quality, degree of complexity, level of detail and other parameters named above.

Free Works Download

Works available for this kind of download are those marked as Free. This category consists of 50.524 files. Create a Free account to access them.

Premium Works Download

Downloading these files requires a subscription for which you need to create and pay for a Premium account. Premium accounts give you access to the 88.703 files of this Category.

Works Contribution

Users have the possibility to contribute works in exchange for Premium credit. In order for this works to be admitted on the Library, they must be reviewed and approved by our staff. After that, they will be classified as Premium or Free, according to their quality. This will have a direct impact on the amount of credit that the user will obtain.

Search Files

In order to simplify the search and investigation of users, files are sorted and classified into Categories. These categories are organized according to habitual use and allow a quick and comfortable recognition of the material. The website also offers a Filter Search Engine, which allows advanced searches by filters such as Categories, Subcategories, Extension, etc.


Lists interesting projects for the user in a quick search.

My Projects

This mode allows you to generate multiple custom folders to save jobs. It facilitates the accessibility to files that have required complex searches by the user and that he needs to continue using in the development of a project. All this information is stored in the user's account, functioning as a record of the genesis and evolution of their work and projects.


This is a learning and training area, focused on the most widely used CAD and BIM softwares. The tutorials form a video catalog that teach you how to use the most popular Design programs, such as Lumion, Revit, CAD and others. These tutorials are based on the resolution of specific cases, through which they help to learn the shortcuts, peculiarities and small secrets of the softwares.


Video interviews of the most relevant professionals, on key subjects related to Architecture, Engineering and Construction.

Organized by topics, these videos give you access to ideas, theoretical reflections, matters of expression and aesthetics, practical conclusions, anecdotes and advice.

The integration of Thematic Series will allow multiple relations between contents, functioning as a incentive for user's works and as support to students and professionals.


A space of publications that expands, develops and enhances the contents of the website, with production of intellectual order and also of practical profile. Its notes analyze topics of Design, Architecture, Engineering and Construction; expand and detail in depth the content offered by the interviews; assists on the appropriate use of Library Resources; provide additional information on the Tutorials, and also include both new features of the Site in relation to users, as well as publicationsabout the Philosophy, the spirit and the future projects of