Fire station k51 pdf

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K51 architectural party the party arises with the need to expand and create a functional proposal of the building and make its relationship with its immediate environment. an extension of the existing block is proposed (block 01); but without affecting its formal aspect; in such a way to preserve the sense of identity. within the closest environment is the place feliciano amado acosta; they are separated only by a narrow pedestrian street (calle guavirami). the intention is to generate a visual amplitude to the pedestrian street; with interrelation of the gaps (free area) between the land of the company? k51? and the square? feliciano amado acosta ?. given the need, it was decided to create two more volumes; a volume (block 02) in which the horizontality is accentuated; its location is proposed to the southeast of the land; designed to house emergency vehicles with their respective supports. the other vertical body volume (block 03); its location is proposed to the southwest of the land; which fulfills various functions such as structure for the elevated water tank; vertical circulation of block 02; maneuver tower for training firefighters.
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