
Map of duran city 2020 dwg

    Duran is an ecuadorian city; head of the durán canton; as well as the second largest and most populated city in the province of guayas. it is located on the right bank of the guayas river; to the center of the coastal region of ecuador; in front of guayaquil; provincial capital; to which it is linked by the bridge of national unity; at an altitude of 4 meters above sea level and with a tropical rainy climate of 25 ° c on average. in the 2010 census it had a population of 230,839 inhabitants; which makes it the sixth most populous city in the country. it is part of the metropolitan area of guayaquil; then its economic activity; social and commercial is strongly linked to guayaquil; being -dormitory city- for thousands of people who cross to guayaquil by land. the conglomerate is home to 2,991,061 inhabitants; and occupies the first position among the conurbations of the equator.

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