
Model of guadalajara jalisco arches dwg

    The arches of guadalajara are a representative monument of the city of guadalajara; in the state of jalisco; mexico. said monument was erected as a city entrance following the inauguration of the mexico-morelia-guadalajara road; in the year of 1938. the work was carried out during the period of governor silvano barba gonzález; who commissioned the project to architect aurelio aceves. the monument consisting of two arches of neoclassical style; similar to the arches of triumph in europe. the arches; as they are commonly known; they are eight meters wide by fourteen meters high; and on each side of them there are niches with monumental sources. in the middle of the arch, guadalajara capital of the kingdom of new galicia is read, founded here on february 14, 1542. the monument is crowned by a second structure that has a series of semicircular arch windows; known as the flag room; and that served as a viewpoint.

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