Interview to Miguel Baudizzone - Design and poetics

Architect considered by many as eclectic, the works of Baudizzone always respond to different conceptions. That result from a very particular design process, which he has been building and refining with time and experience.

The starting point in your process is always an idea, a concept.

Baudizzone pursues -it is a way of saying it- a conceptual perspective that involves projects, prefigures them and gives them a beginning capable of boosting all the possibilities they contain.

A start that, according to him, far exceeds the alternatives of the classic match.

Mysterious and unpredictable like all products of the mind, the first thing that appears in the process of its search is a kind of blurred previous image. A blurry and encompassing set of solutions. A global image to which he qualifies as synthesis. A true paradox, he says, since, in reality, the synthesis is usually the final result of a process, and not its beginning.

However, from this initial synthesis come its buildings.

Throughout this interview Baudizzone shows us, through the analysis of his most complex works, how he reaches that point, to that place. And how do you design from there?

Facing each new project in a state of total openness to surprise, freed from the ties of habit, the weight of experience, the security of constructed works, and open to intuition -considered as a particular exercise of memory -, to launch, with passion always initiation, to meet the new.

In short, the fascinating thought of a creator that will make sure impact on the avid mind of knowledge of architects and students.

Architect Miguel Baudizzone

With a trajectory of five decades in the exercise of the profession, Miguel Baudizzone occupies a place of prestige and relevance in Argentine and international architecture. The generous amount of buildings that he has designed and built - always together with his partner, the Architect Jorge Lestard -, bears witness to an intense, solid, careful professional career destined to endure over time. Possessing a classical education while at the same time having a decidedly eclectic creative profile, his works constitute milestones of vital influence over generations of architects.

Baudizzone is a member of Estudio B & L y Asociados (Baudizzone, Lestard y Asociados), of Buenos Aires, Argentina.